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Q: Who can stay at the Hesed House?

A: The Hesed House is designed for any person(s) who are in need of shelter. Each person is required to pass a drug and alcohol screening and cannot be listed on the sex offender registry. Families with children are allowed to stay at the Hesed House.

Q: How long can a person(s) stay in the Hesed House?

A: A resident may stay for 6 months or 180 days in a calendar year. (October- September) These days can be consecutive or cumulative.

Q: Can I bring donations to the shelter?

A: The shelter is always in need of specific items. You can look on the website under “News and Announcements” to see what these specific needs are. All other donations such as clothing, shoes etc. need to be donated to the Christian Ministries of Lincolnton. The Hesed House partners closely with Christian Ministries and they are able to provide these basic needs to the residents of the Hesed House.

Q: What type of volunteers are needed for the Hesed House?

A: The Hesed House takes many volunteers to operate each month. We have volunteers that serve meals, intake, stay overnight, socialize, lead Bible study, cut hair, and donate specific needs.

Q: How can I bring a meal to the Hesed House?

A: If you would like to provide a meal or any other type of service to the shelter, email

Q: Is there a Facebook page for the Hesed House?

A: Yes, you can search “Hesed House” to find the Facebook page. On this page you will find updates, needs and resident counts.

Q: Does the Hesed House take monetary donations?

A: Yes, the Hesed House operates on grants and donations from churches, organizations and individuals.





About Us

The Hesed House of Hope is a non-profit organization and is currently the only homeless shelter in Lincoln County. So with kindness, we blend our collective hearts as one to shelter and feed those in need.

H- Housing

O- Outreach

P- Prayer

E- Education and Employment

Phone & Email




100 Ann Gaither Court

PO Box 1633

Lincolnton, NC 28092


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Hesed House Logo

Copyrights 2019 Hesed House of Hope of Lincoln County

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